the email that started it all (insert nostalgic sigh here)
Just over 2 weeks ago, I packed up my shiny new CRV, picked up my best friend Abbie, and headed on over to Billings, Montana.
Since then, I have learned a couple of things, and I thought I'd share.
1. You can find Jews anywhere. In the No Name Saloon in Park City, Utah. (I'll describe one scenario that sounds like the beginning of a joke: So, three Jewish women with nose rings were sitting next to eachother in a bar in Park City, UT...) In Billings, Montana too, where I attended Friday night services at the one synogague in town.
2. Most of America is completely uninhabited. Nevada should becompletely uninhabited.
3. You can tell you're leaving Nevada and crossing into Utah by all the salt that's all over the ground. And right before you see the salt, you see a big casino, which is notable, because you haven't seen any sign of civilization for 100 miles.
4. In some places, the lowest octane fuel is 85. The mid-price fuel is 87 octane.
5. Montana no longer has the Montanabahn, meaning there are speedlimits in Montana. However, there is no law prohibiting possessing and drinking out of open containers of alcohol in your car... even the driver can drink as long as she's not drunk. Plus, there's nomandatory helmet law for motorcyclists. So even though there's aspeed limit, it still can be dicey on those Montana roads.
6. Gambling is legal in Montana. Not Nevada-legal, but pretty legal.
7. People are different in rural America. I have a collection of phone numbers from women who want me to call them if I need anything, or am lonely, or am just looking for someone to hang out with. I haven't asked for these numbers. I don't go around complaining about how I don't know anyone in Montana or any of its contiguous states. People are nice here... frighteningly nice.
8. If you bring your Grateful Dead lunch box to work, you will be made fun of.
9. There are some places where there are only white people. Soon , perhaps I will be able to answer the burning question: should you eat in a Chinese or Mexican restaurant in one of those places?