Monday, September 27, 2004

Hey, Oxford!

So, I'm working out at my local 24 Hour Fitness. And either I'm paranoid or folks are looking at me... in the cardio area, in the free weight area... you get the picture. So I head on over to the aerobics room to stretch and check for boogers. No boogers.

But as I go to put back my mat (yes, I did stretch too), I hear through my headphones: "Hey, Oxford!" And I realize this guy is talking to me, and he's calling me "Oxford." Because I'm wearing my Oxford t-shirt (the one I bought during my fabulous time on the other side of the pond). I pull out my headphones to see what this guy wants. And he proceeds to ask me all about Oxford... if I've actually been there, etc. He was very impressed. Apparently, not many gym rats in Billings can say they've spent a term at Oxford... or have bought an Oxford shirt.

And then it hits me, that's what everyone was staring at... my Oxford shirt. I'm never wearing it to the gym again.

On the same note, I've also been called "Stanford" by a guy driving in the lane next to mine... I guess he noticed my Stanford alumni license place holder.

I have been to 1/2 the gay bars in Montana.

And by 1/2, I actually mean I've been to 1 out of the 2 gay bars in the entire state. A fabulous little place, complete with fog machine. And the cover is only $2 on Saturday night... which is apparently pricey for Billings, as the 2 people in line in front of me left because they weren't willing to pay up. I went with my one of my co-clerks. Good times, good times.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Wild Montana Bunnies

Run away! Run away!

Yellowstone Riverfront Park

Billings Sunsets

Posted by Hello

Abbie at the Idaho-Montana border

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

one reason I love my new state... no open container law

When I form my own sovereign nation--NewFreeKateLand--in my new state, I'm definitely opening up a drive-thru margarita shack in it.

I particularly like the parts in this article about protecting individual rights against the federal government's blackmail. Top notch. A+.

Last week, I was walking downtown, from work to what people here refer to as my "truck" (it's a Honda CR-V), and what did I hear? Music to my ears... the sound of a can being opened. Yup, a guy driving what in all parts of the country is referred to as a pickup truck was taking a swig out of a just opened can of Bud. Fabulous.

Of course, I then learned that my Bud-drinking-while-truck-driving friend was breaking the law. Not Montana state law, but Billings law. Apparently, many municipalities in Montana have open container laws. So a word to the not-so-wise: keep outside city limits if you want to legally drink in your car or truck.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

check out the local mall... and remember, no sales tax in Montana!

Monday, September 20, 2004

My Local Paper... I like how it has a section called "Wyoming."