Thursday, December 23, 2004

Happy Festivus (for the rest of us)!

It's ten below in Billings this morning.

At this temperature, as I learned on the local news last night, it takes less than 30 minutes for exposed skin to suffer from frost bite. Or, as a local man interviewed on the local news described the weather, "I'm wearing a shirt and sweater and I'm still cold. But at least we'll have a white Christmas."

The roads are snowy and icy. Even my 4-wheel drive Honda encountered some braking and sliding while driving home from work last night. But, at least my baby started, albeit with some complaint, this morning.

I can't believe that a week ago I was in Los Angeles, happily wearing a tank top. I'll post some pictures of that excursion in a bit.

But enough airing of grievances. This day calls for feats of strength! Happy Festivus.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Clerks Gone Wild!

Justin, Me, Bela, and Malin celebrate my passing the California Bar Exam at the local martini bar.

Just the girls.

Mother nature celebrates my accomplishment with the first snow of the season.

We frolic in the snow.

And then we walk to the next bar.

Friday, November 19, 2004

I Passed!!!

I passed the California Bar Exam! Now, I'm off to have a more enjoyable bar experience. Cheers!

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

The Joys of Sleep Deprivation

No Sleep + Much Work = Let's Surprise Malin With A Newly Decorated Office!

Malin and Her Newly Decorated Door

Malin's new and improved desk.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Open Container Law Battle Rages On

Click here for the latest article in the Billings Gazette.

I love the arguments against passing an open container law: Why do you hate freedom? And by freedom, I mean freedom to drink in your pick-up truck?

Are drunk driving laws encroaching on your civil liberties? Is the walk home option really viable in this huge, sparsely populated state, where people live miles outside of bumblephuck?

My favorite quote from the head of the Montana Highway Patrol:
"It's almost accepted in this state that drinking and driving is OK. I'm not sure that's the attitude we have to have."

Monday, November 15, 2004

Work sucks, I know!

What looks like a cooperative working environment is actually Justin taking over my office while his computer's hard drive has a melt-down. My screen-saver now scrolls across the screen, "If I had a tumor, I'd name it Justin."

Bela looking for divine inspiration.

Actually, title of this post besides, work is treating me well. No complaints here.

More Signs You're In Montana

Guns, cheap cigarettes, and rent-to-own furniture, oh my!

For those who like a different kind of stuffed animal.

Deep Thoughts, by Jared.

(by the way, gas is cheaper now... although you must remember, the cheapest gas is only 85 octane)

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Back to Big Sky Country... it's cold!

My first day back in Montana from my business trip to Seattle and San Francisco (where it was so warm... in the 80s), I dragged myself out to my car to head on over to work. Ans I realized a) it was absolutely freezing and b) my car was completly frozen. My drive to work was delayed until I was able to scrape the ice off my car. Fortunately, my winter clothes shipment from North Face was waiting for me at work. I now have a down jacket!

I have spoken to my local Honda representative about getting myself snow tires and a block heater (so I can plug my car in). I was told that instead of snow tires, I should invest in a couple 50 pound sandbags to put in the back of my car. Because maybe I'll strain my back so much trying to lift 50 pound sandbags into the back of my car that I won't be able to drive in the snow, thereby making the purchase of snow tires rather silly. As for the block heater, I was told to wait it out and see if my car has trouble starting once the temperature drops some more. I'm crossing my fingers that Ryder (my car) keeps on keeping on this winter sans block heater, because I don't have a place to plug my car in anyway.

My carsicle (or trucksickle).

The morning sky at my apartment building.

Waiting for my car to warm up.